Protect Fish Lake - Teztan Biny

Prosperity Project - Fish Lake

A Vancouver based mining company, Taseko Mines Ltd., has applied to mine at Fish Lake. The proposed mine, which is called "Prosperity Mine" by Taseko, would completely destroy Fish Lake, a fish bearing lake in the Chilcotin. This lake has an estimated 85,000 rainbow trout of which around 4,500-5,000 are caught annually.
The plan for the mine would create a dam for the waste rock and tailings just above Fish Lake on Fish Creek. This would basically destroy both and fill the area with toxic waste. Because of the proximity to Taseko River, a major salmon bearing river, a leak of this toxic waste deposit would also affect fish not only in the local area but on a way bigger scale.

Another very important point to put into consideration should be the social effects for the local First Nations communities through such a large scale industrial development. In my opinion, there is absolutely no ecological or economical justification for such a large scale destruction of nature and unique way of life just for profits of shareholders!

Please see below a screenshot of the location of the proposed Prosperity Mine (