First Nations Summit remains unwavering in complete opposition to Prosperity Mine Proposal
November 7, 2011
Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver - First Nations leaders are once again voicing frustration and disbelief over today's decision by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA) that the already rejected Taseko Mines Ltd.'s Prosperity Mine proposal will move forward to yet another review process.
"The correct assessments and decisions regarding this failed project have already been made. The Prosperity Mine proposal whether option 1 or option 2, is an environmental disaster waiting to happen and infringes on the title and rights of the Tsilhqot'in Nation", said Chief Douglas White of the First Nations Summit political executive.
"Last year the environmental review panel clearly indicated there would be 'significant adverse environmental effects' as a direct result of the proposed Prosperity Mine. There is no evidence to suggest that this "revised" proposal changes that assessment. To proceed to a second review will be costly and divisive and will do nothing to foster
relations between industry and First Nations in this province", added Chief White.
"The First Nations Summit will remain steadfast in our support for the Tsilhqot'in Nation in their continuing fight against the Prosperity Mine proposal", stated Dan Smith, also a member of the Summit's political executive.
The First Nations Summit Chiefs in Assembly passed a resolution in September of 2010 in support of the Tsilhqot'in Nation in their continuing fight against the Prosperity Mine proposal.
The September 2010 First Nations Summit resolution states;
* The First Nations Summit Chiefs in Assembly fully support the efforts of First Nations to protect their lands of profound cultural and spiritual value to its peoples from the proposed Prosperity Gold-Copper mine, and will stand behind First Nations in defense of these lands regardless of the decision made by the Federal Government.
* The First Nations Summit Chiefs in Assembly call upon the Federal Government to heed the cautions of its independent Panel, demonstrate commitment to environmental protection and the cultural survival of First Nations, and reject the proposed Prosperity Gold-Copper Mine.
* The First Nations Summit Chiefs in Assembly advise the Federal Government that First Nations across Canada are watching its decision to see whether there remains any value or integrity in environmental assessments for major projects, or whether First Nations must turn to litigation and other means to assert our rights and protect our cultures.
* The First Nations Summit Chiefs in Assembly caution the Federal Government that approval of the proposed Prosperity Gold-Copper Mine, despite clear warnings of its independent Panel, would demonstrate utter disregard for the survival of First Nations as distinctive cultures within Canada.
The First Nations Summit speaks on behalf of First Nations involved in treaty negotiations in British Columbia. The Summit is a NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
Further background information on the Summit may be found at
For Further Information:
Colin Braker, First Nations Summit
Office: 604.926.9903/Cell: 604.328.4094
Posted by: Wolfgang Zilker Tuesday Nov 08, 2011 16:13
Categories: First Nations, Prosperity Mine, Teztan Biny | Tags: Environmental Assessment, First Nations Summit